Six teenagers from the St. Cassian Choir must compete for the one spot to be resurrected after an unfortunate roller coaster disaster kills them all.
Lobby doors open 1 hour prior to show time.
Theater seating begins 30 minutes prior.
Ride the Cyclone
Book, music & Lyrics by Jacob Richmond & Brooke Maxwell
Directed by Lauren Berman
Sometimes you just need a change in fortune.
Everyone loves the carnival, but no one escapes the Cyclone. Six teenagers from the St. Cassian Choir must compete for the one spot to be resurrected after an unfortunate roller coaster disaster kills them all. The Amazing Karnak, a quirky fortune-telling machine, acts as game-show host, judge and jury, and guides the teens through the destiny-altering challenge. Who among them deserves a change in fortune and a second chance to live?