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Address: 20 S Stolp Ave, Aurora IL 60506
Phone: 630-896-6810

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School Staff

School Administration Staff

Jessica M. Duplessis

Director of Education and Community Engagement

Jessica holds a bachelor’s degree in Theatre, Dance, and Film Education (TADF) with a specialization in theater and dance education from Keene State College (Keene NH). Jessica previously served as the education manager upon the opening of PSA and has enjoyed the opportunity to be a hands on participant in the growth and development of the school. Jessica is an accomplished dance and theater educator as well as choreographer. Jessica is committed to the continued growth of Paramount School of the Arts, its programs and the school and theater’s connection to the beautiful Aurora community.

Liz Hilsabeck

Liz is so excited to be a part of the Paramount School of the Arts!  She began teaching dance and musical theatre after earning her BA in Theatre from The University of Wisconsin-Madison and has taught and directed at several different schools throughout the Chicagoland area. VIEW FULL BIO

Josely Hernandez

Assistant Education Manager

Josely is elated to be a part of Team Education here at the Paramount School of the Arts! Combining her two greatest loves- the Paramount and kids- she can’t wait to work alongside this amazing team of teachers and staff to continue bringing the arts to Aurora

Jenna Gagliano

Education & Engagement Manager

Jenna is very excited to be a part of the Paramount School of the Arts! She has been dancing since she was a little girl, and her passion continues to grow as she dances through adulthood. A graduate of Illinois State University, Jenna majored in theatre and has had the incredible opportunity to work with students of all ages in theatre, music, and dance. Having been with the Paramount for over a decade, Jenna brings passion and commitment to all things Paramount and PSA!

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Teaching Artists

Teaching Artists

Andrew MacNaughton

Andrew MacNaughton (he/him) is an accomplished actor, singer, dancer, and teaching artist originally from Ontario, Canada. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Theatre Performance from Sheridan College and an MA from The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. VIEW FULL BIO

Allan Morgan

Allan Morgan (he/him) is a comedian who has worked in radio, TV and movies, but always returns…VIEW FULL BIO

Bailey O’Neil

Bailey (she/her), an Aurora native, has worked with the Paramount for the past five Broadway seasons as a Young Performer Supervisor, most recently on Sound of Music, Fun Home, and currently School of Rock! VIEW FULL BIO

Ben Weiss

Ben (he/they)  is an actor, singer, and teaching artist on the autism spectrum, and is incredibly excited to be a private voice teacher for the Paramount School of the Arts. VIEW FULL BIO

Brade Bradshaw

Brade (he/him) is a Chicago based actor, director, and teaching artist. VIEW FULL BIO

Brittany Stock

Brittany (she/her) could not be more excited to return to Paramount School of the Arts! VIEW FULL BIO

Dyanna Daniels

Dyanna began her dance training in 2003 through Western Illinois University’s dance department and the Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center Dance Troupe. VIEW FULL BIO

Jenna Gagliano

Jenna (she/her) has been dancing since she was a little girl, and her passion continues to grow as she dances through adulthood. VIEW FULL BIO

Jenny Showalter-Miller

Jenny (she/her) is a dance educator and choreographer whose work has been performed in Sweden, France, and various locations nationwide. VIEW FULL BIO

Jessica Duplessis

Jessica (she/her) is excited to continue to train the dancers at Paramount School of the Arts. VIEW FULL BIO

Justin Kimball

Justin (he/him) is an actor, choreographer and sketch comedian in Chicago. VIEW FULL BIO

Leryn Turlington

Leryn (she/her) is a performing artist and voice teacher based in New York City. VIEW FULL BIO

Liam Norris

Liam (he/him) began his career at the Paramount Theatre as a shop hand working on the Broadway Series. VIEW FULL BIO

Liz Awotwi

Liz (she/they) has been dancing since the age of 10, training in a wide variety of styles, including jazz, ballet, hip hop, and contemporary. VIEW FULL BIO

Meg McGarry

Meg (she/her/they) was raised in rural Wisconsin, and focused on music and theater early on. VIEW FULL BIO

Sarah Lozano

Sarah A. Lozano (she/her) is a Chicago Native who has recently joined the Aurora community. VIEW FULL BIO

Liz Hilsabeck

Liz is so excited to be a part of the Paramount School of the Arts!  She began teaching dance and musical theatre after earning her BA in Theatre from The University of Wisconsin-Madison and has taught and directed at several different schools throughout the Chicagoland area. VIEW FULL BIO

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ACCA Board & City of Aurora


Aurora Civic Center Authority is the owner and operator of Paramount School of the Arts.

Jonathan Hylton

Vice Chairman
Gina Moga

John Savage

Mike Baum

Kevin Fitzpatrick, Hon. R. Peter Grometer, Cynthia Latimer, Christine Goerlich Weber

Legal Counsel
Bruce Goldsmith


Paramount programming is partially funded by the City of Aurora.

Richard C. Irvin

1st Ward Kristina “Tina” Bohman
2nd Ward Juany Garza
3rd Ward Ted Mesiacos
4th Ward Bill Donnell
5th Ward Carl Franco
6th Ward Michael B. Saville
7th Ward Scheketa Hart-Burns
8th Ward Richard B. “Rick” Mervine
9th Ward Edward Bugg
10th Ward Judd Lofchie
At Large Robert J. O’Connor

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