Walk outside, birds sing, sun shines, river glistens, you’d never know of our daily challenges. Just thinking how I miss communing – communing in restaurants and bars and our dear theater!
Life is about changes – with the hand washing and the sanitizer, the distancing – running back to grab a mask after forgetting to put one on. (It’s been that long since I’ve gone out!) After I discovered a blown-out tire Sunday, I’m at the car dealership yesterday to replace it – everyone moving efficiently, covered, cordial, keeping up in excellent spirits. My take is how they are not quitting and working ever more purposefully, intentionally. And I put it together how that is exactly the way we are keeping up, looking ahead at Paramount. No big announcements yet but I’m taking pride in how we are not giving up. All the precautions make sense for everyone’s health and safety. Great intelligence, empathy and compassion for the hardships being burdened in keeping our company on point are at work for the various scenarios that are potentially in our future. Being with a friend who was helping me out yesterday, I’m hit with the happy feels of being with someone I wanted to hug so bad. That feeling, I realized afterwards, just brought us all the more closer. This is an authentic dynamic and synergy working among us. Getting closer being apart.
Communing with nature I think about that first fine day we can commune with each other! Paramount continues to keep community engagement a priority with Connection: A Social Media Concert – check out Saturday night’s Mother’s Day show – they just keep getting better and better! Tomorrow at midnight is the deadline for submissions for this week’s theme that “celebrates the little things in life you’ve come to appreciate now.”
It really is turning out to be a gorgeous day out there! Get some sun and air and be safe and smart – your best self!
And tune in here for New Works Development Director and Director/Choreographer Amber Mak’s Master Class with Director of Education & Community Engagement Shannon Cameron on Youth Professional Auditions – important info for parents and kids in showbiz. Master Class Mondays are dropped every Monday at 5 p.m. on Paramount School of the Art’s Facebook page and up next is Paramount’s Props Manager Jesse Gaffney on-camera live to answer all your questions on her fantastic work in our Paramount productions!
It really is turning out to be a gorgeous day out there! Get some sun and air and be safe and smart – your Best Self!
And don’t forget delivery, take-out or curbside service and support a local business!
Love & thanks,