Recovering from Opening Night of Paramount’s Mamma Mia! Saturday night, and “what a night” it was! There is this perception that every press opening outdoes itself every time, and ya gotta think to yourself how can this be? The air crackles with excitement as the crowd from Galena Boulevard pours into the Grand Gallery and through the theatre doors, the aisles full of people happy and high-spirited talking up the event almost to a roar, a din that can only be described as electric! 

And there’s the nerves and doubts, the anxiety for me of it all going as hoped knowing well how everyone has been pushed beyond what they ever knew they could achieve. It’s an experience, all live, all happening right before your eyes and ears as the whole production begins to bloom right before you as the lights go down and we’re all sitting in the dark together and the orchestra fills the air with music…

It must have something to do with the romance of it all. How every time somehow feels like the first time. Folks remarking to me: 

“This one is my favorite!”

“You say that every time!”

“Ha! I know!”

And we laugh out loud to each other.

Whatever it is, I am grateful for it. As much as I quip “I live in fear,” I live in thanks even more. There is nothing I can think of right now more gratifying than what we are achieving as theatre-engaged with artists and our community. How dedication garners a loyalty among us including and especially from our audience. The respect, admiration and appreciation we have for everyone on both sides of the footlights is a phenomenon that begins with the first show in September and grows and glows through the entire Broadway Series until the end of May this season, our sixth year. 

And so, I don’t know what it is or how to explain the excitement really. We all struggle and work hard and love what we’re doing. Maybe that’s all there is to it. Come to think of it; that’s a lot. It’s everything, isn’t it?

Love & thanks,
