Sensory Friendly Performances
What is a Sensory Friendly Performance?
At Paramount, our sensory friendly performance will include modification to technical elements of the show (lights, sound, house lighting,etc.) and a relaxed viewing experience for audience members to provide a non-judgmental and safe environment to accommodate for a broader range of patron support needs. More information about the modifications to this performance are included below.
*Some of these modifacantions may vary depending on the performance.
During the Performance
There will be a pre-show speech with helpful reminders and character introductions from some of the cast.
House (audience) lights will stay on and dim through the entire show.
All sounds levels will be a bit quieter than usual.
Audience members are welcome to exit and re-enter the theatre at any time.
Content Disclosure
This performance contains:
- Live music
- Recorded music
- Recorded sound effects
- Loud noises/screams
- Snowstorm projections
- Snow falling over stage and the first few audience rows
- Scenes where a character gets very upset
- Characters passing away
- Suggested states of undress
- One character punching another
If you have questions or need help during your visit to the theatre, look for a staff member wearing a pink snowflake nametag:
They will be stationed at a table in the lobby and throughout the audience in the theatre.
The table in the lobby is also a great place to share your feedback! Share your excitement pre-show and let us know what your thoughts are after the show.
Flexible Seating Area
If you would like to be in the theatre but also have more space to spread out, stand up, or move around, the back few rows of the house left seating area will be reserved for this purpose. Feel free to come and go as you wish!
Need to take a break from the show? A chill-out zone will be available for anyone who would like a calming space to utilize at any time during the performance.
Chill Out Zone
The chill-out zone is located in the original lobby (near aisle 1.)
Tables and chairs will be available for patrons to take a break from the show.
Coloring pages will be provided as a calming activity.
There are restrooms located on all three levels of the theatre.
There are “Everyone” and “Women’s” restrooms on the basement level, located down a flight of stairs near the aisle 3 audience door on the basement level.
There are “Men’s” and “Women’s” restrooms on the main level, in the lobby between the main bar and the theatre audience.
There are “Men’s” and “Women’s” restrooms on the balcony level lobby between the small bar and the theatre audience.
Sensory tool kits
Sensory tool kits, noise canceling headphones, assisted listening devices, and sunglasses are available to check out at coat check (limited amounts available). Bringing your own tools and comfort objects is always welcome!