Let’s take a moment to think about those suffering the attack in Boston.  Had a couple of paragraphs in the works yesterday for today’s blog but now it all gets overshadowed.  My hope is we all take a look at ourselves responding.  How our only means of overcoming evil and hate is to do the best we can with what we have been given in life.  To cherish our children and families.  To recognize the strength of our bonds to our friends and communities and those we work with every day.  To love what we are doing no matter what our part may be.  Work counts.  Adds up.  Makes a difference.  Alleviates the pain in some way.  We respond with compassion to the horrific collectively.  In everything we do.  With our thoughts.  Our hearts and souls.  Let’s be grateful for the heroes stepping up without a second thought.  First responders.  Let us respond holding our loved ones close being grateful for them.  And be grateful for the work we have to do.  Love what you have, what you learn, what you earn.  I can’t help think the more we love and the more we do, the more we can make a difference.  Individually.  And collectively.  We can talk shop next week.  Meanwhile, let’s see how much of a difference we can make.  Respond.

-Jim Corti